Senin, 19 September 2011


Public service is a basic and actualization form of government birocratic existence. The face of birocracy can be reflected from birocratical behavior and attitude. In giving public service to society, Government Local Clinic as one of the public company gives services to society which can be inferred as qualified if it is able to give quick, precise and correct services to the customers. In order to enhance the quality of service Government Local Clinic must give first-rate services as public expectation. The aim of this research is to acknowledge the satisfaction index of society toward service that being given by Government Local Clinic as a form of company working performance through 14 indicators based on KEPMENPAN Number 25/KEP/ M.PAN/2/2004 about Guidelines Managerial Public Service, which are service procedure, requirement adjustment, clarity and certainty officer, discipline, responsibility, speed, fairness, politeness, and hospitality, equity of expense, adjustable expense, accuracy of schedule, freshmen, service and security. The method that used is survey method by spreading questionnaires towards 150 customers as respondent from 5 districs of Surakarta summing 750 respondences. The technique of sampling is accidental sampling. The society satisfaction index counted by using deliberated mean value from each element of service. The value of society satisfaction index on Government Local Clinic of Surakarta from 5 districs are: Gajahan Government Local Clinic of Pasarkliwon distric resulting 75,2245; Ngoresan Government Local Clinic of Jebres distric resulting 75,8103; Purwosari Government Local Clinic of Laweyan distric resulting 74,5145; Manahan Government Local Clinic of Banjarsari distric resulting 73,5383; dan Jayengan Government Local Clinic of Serengan distric resulting 74,0530. Based on those calculations can be inferred that the average service quality in Government Local Clinic of Surakarta is B, this indicate that the service performance in Government Local Clinic of Surakarta is good, however the researcher give recommendation which is enhancing the value of society satisfaction index of Manahan Government Local Clinic of Banjarsari Distric.

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