Work is a function from motivation and ability to finish assignment or someone’s work.
Work is as function of interaction between ability, motivation and opportunity, it means
that work is function of ability, motivation and opportunity. The aim of this research is to
know the influence of work motivation and the habit’s work at the duty of Bina Marga
East Java Province.
The Result of analysis shows that variable motivation and culture variable organization,
they influence of work variable. Fhitung Value 199,511 is significance at = 1%, means
that motivation variable of organization and culture influence the work’s officer variable
in significant. Coefficient of determination value ( R2) 0,804 it means that 80,4 % of
work’s motivation variable and organization culture can explain the work’s officer
variable, and 19,6% explained by other variable which is not packed into model.
The calculate of result JB test, value Durbin watson ( DW), heteroskedastisity test, VIF (
Variance Inflation Factor) value shows that inexistence of deviation of classic
assumption, so that result of prediction can expressed Best Linier Unbiased Estimation (
Keyword: motivation, culture, performance.
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